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Pepper Rheza Macedonia

Pepper Rheza Macedonia


At Blackforest, we pride ourselves on appreciating the unique heirlooms, much like the Rezha Macedonian (vezena) pepper. This exceptional pepper, marked by distinct tan lines known as 'corking', has been cultivated in Macedonia for over 100 years and is only recently gaining global recognition. Ripening from green to a brilliant red and measuring between 4″ and 7″ long, these peppers truly stand out in any dish.  Discover the elegance of the he Rezha Macedonian and elevate your culinary experiences with a pepper celebrated for generations.

The fruits, which range from mild to sometimes very hot, are to be seen hanging in great clusters, drying in Macedonian warm late autumn sun.The skin texture is rough if these peppers are eaten fresh, but roasted they soften up. They have a fairly juicy flesh that isn’t crispy, but a little on the soft side.


To maintain flowering and fruiting feed your plant with a complete soluble fertilizer like Evolves Organic Tomato Food and EVOLVES Calcium Plus.


Home Grown Always Tastes Better!

Ready for Pickup May 16th - May 23rd

15445 Keele Street
King City, ON
L7B 1A3

Black Forest Garden Centre

Spring Opening: April 22, 2024

April 27, 2024:  9:00- 3:00

Spring Hours (April - May)

Monday - Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm

Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm

Summer Hours (July - Sept.)

Monday - Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm

Sunday: Closed

Closed Canada Day (July 1st & 2nd)

Closed August 6th & 7th

Closed Labour Day Weekend (Sept. 3 - 5)

Closed Thanksgiving (Sun. & Mon.)

Nov. 15 - Dec. 17. (Mon. - Sat. 9 - 5, Sun. 10 -4)

(905) 727-4349

(416)  804-4349


Delivery Service

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