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Black Forest Sprouts

Sprouts Garden Club

Part of the reason we’re so passionate about our business is that our parents started it - way back in 1986. Gardening is in our blood! And we’ve been helping our parents out around the garden since we were tiny little sprouts. The goal of our Sprouts program is simple - to inspire children to learn about gardening and the beauty and rewards of growing your own food. What could be more important than developing skills that will last a lifetime and promoting the benefits of healthy eating and living, all while having fun and getting a little dirty. The Seedlings club will be meeting in the garden on alternating Wednesdays from 6-7 pm.

Club Topics:

Garden rules, pests – insect friends, pollinators, harvesting, wild edibles, recycling & conservation


Club Activities:


Closed Facebook group, rain catchers, bean tepees, pizza bed, weeding, bird watching, bird feeders, flower crafts, sock garden, mud pies & gourd painting.


Please start saving these recycled items: two wide mouth clear jars, a big old stray sock, 1L or 1qt empty milk or tetra container, cardboard and some junk mail envelopes (it's OK if they are opened). Lettuce remember we will be outside in Mother Nature's elements as the seasons change, some bug spray would bee a gouda idea!

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