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Heirloom Hot Bulgarian Carrot Pepper

Heirloom Hot Bulgarian Carrot Pepper


Also known as “Shipkas,” these compact heirloom chiles bear heavy sets of early maturing, 3 inch glossy orange pods shaped like little carrots. Bulgarian Carrot chiles are both hot and fruity and really delicious in fresh salsas, for scrumptious sauce, or any dish or sauce that calls for both heat and lots of flavor. Their thicker, crunchy walls are perfect for hot pickled peppers. Carrot chiles rank between Jalapenos and Cayennes in heat levels.


To maintain flowering and fruiting feed your plant with a complete soluble fertilizer like Evolves Organic Tomato Food and EVOLVES Calcium Plus.


Home Grown Always Tastes Better!

Ready for Pickup May 16th - May 28th
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